Sunday, April 17, 2011

Birthday Cards for Babies

Alyssa, Harper, Katie, Jozef, me
A lot of wonderful people I know were born in April.  I'm finding that, post-2010, this is a sentiment that also rings true for babies.   4 in this week alone!    At this time of the year in 2010, I was having lots of conversations about arrivals. Babies!   
Perkins breakfast! 

Molly and Ryan
We prayed about these babies a lot at Bible study, and this year we are doing this again for Heather and Evan's baby coming soon in August.     

 I have held a LOT of babies in the last year, and I watched my friends become mothers and fathers.  I thought about this tonight when I wrote birthday cards TO these babies.    

Ariane and Ryan

 It's weird to write a birthday card to a baby, but I did it.  I didn't send the card to their parents.  I sent it to the babies.  It's weird because they have no memory of this year, but I sure do. 
I thought about their lives a lot when I held them.   So writing the card was really a helpful way for me to remember how they showed up in the world and how happy we are about it.  

Jamie and Ryan
 By the time I was addressing these cards today, I was thinking about how everything feels different compared to what we knew and saw and understood this time last year. 

And despite all of the heartache and confusion I dealt with in that time, these babies were the very nicest thing.  They were buoys of hope in a time when everything felt off kilter.  They helped.  And I still really love that they're here, growing and adding so much to the world.    

One of my favorite pictures from 2010!

Who knew mailing birthday cards with caterpillars on them would be so helpful in remembering and piecing together the year? 





1 comment:

  1. You are so thoughtful, and I LOVE the card you gave Harper. I read all of his cards to him, and he turned them like they were pages of a book.
