This week I took a trip in a solitary way to Connecticut.
It was good and reviving for me to do this get on an airplane by myself and go to a good place to meet friends (and their new baby). Alli and Seth were generous and easy going about having me there to visit, and were very willing to share their baby too. I had so much fun with them.
I had been a robot teacher for the past month, very solitary in my work and mentally worn out. Winter has felt very awkward to me this year, and I am longing for spring.
But when I cut loose from the moorings of my tired life in Stillwater, and went to Connecticut, I woke up again. I paid attention to new things and time felt different again. East Coast timing met Daylight Savings and a new baby's feeding schedule. I did not just stay with Seth and Alli. I actually encountered a lot of people on this trip. That's why I resonated so clearly with what Anne Morrow Lindbergh writes in 'A Gift from the Sea'.