I said this before, but this weekend I hated teaching. And now I am back to thinking it's ok again. It is undeniably in my bones. Whether or not I feel I am succeeding or failing at it on any given day is another matter entirely. But I am still feeling a little traumatized by things that happened at a school last week on the East Coast. You want it to go away but sometimes it's not so immediate. Meanwhile, I am praying and praying and praying. Confident, yes, normalizing the school day, yes, getting things done, I must....but still a little traumatized.
It was not glamorous today. I am slogged in papers, etching out a schedule for these last tests and projects before break, minute by minute. Everyone has a cold and looks sort of peaked, but they've missed so much school that their mom told them they had to go back. We could all be in a Sudafed commercial. It's gross. I am trying to keep canker sores at bay (it's not working) and smile and take a rest and not eat too much sugar in the teachers' lounge. (There are cookies everywhere.)