In a big, gigantic hurting world like this one, there is sometimes nothing more comforting than coming home to your very own place. I walked out of my school tonight with a pile of papers, through the flurries, through the traffic, and straight home to peace. Pajamas, a candle, my fireplace, the tree. I am delighting in Advent at home.
I have a lot of papers to grade tonight, but I took a minute to just enjoy that I am safe and warm and that even when I have that one last push of work, that one last stack of papers to grade, I can still settle in to the mystery that is Christ. Emmanuel, God with us. He even sits with me while I grade.
We need Him so deeply, and today I feel it. Distinctly, a heart ache and a hope, and a light in the darkness.
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.