In Which I Notice
The things of life I notice
Are timeless, wondrous things
Refreshed, restored, recycled
Now once again, I see
Awkward, charming unsafe ground
Growing, moving sea
Full of angst and all great hope
Middle school in spring
I'm back to school today, and done with Spring Break, a week of my life which set me back on course in all things daily living.

Last week I didn't dress up and talk about history for 6 hours with kids who are 12. I organized my home, went to the dentist, and did my taxes. I saw kindred spirit friends and did yoga. I hung out with my parents. I thought about eating better food, and then started doing it. I investigated nooks and crannies of my life, and then cleaned them.
I went to the Post Office during regular business hours and stood in line just to get stamps. I can't even tell you how soul quieting and good it felt to do this one thing I really had to do. Ordinary is so good.
I've been thinking a lot these days about not having to prove anything, and how when you become an older person you see that more clearly. Ambition though isn't synonymous with having to prove something. I think you can still have your ambition and thrive in it and people will love you for it.
Instead, not feeling the need to prove yourself so much forfeits over explaining something in exchange for appreciating what can speak for itself.