Saturday, May 16, 2015

Music and Breathing

Don't you love it when music gets to you?  It strikes you deep down somewhere and calls to life the things you're really about in this world?  I tend to think that when you hear songs like this and love them, it's because they match how you breathe.  

I have been further away from specific Christian music for a few years picketing here, just dwelling in lots of good sounds...but Shawn McDonald is inevitably a reminder of my life at Bethel.

The deep deep dregs of knowing God and blending learning and visionary thinking and my best untried skill sets.  Back then Shawn McDonald songs filled my tiny room at the end of the hall, perched at the top of Bodien Hall.   

My life story has since then gone through lots of different seasons, but in all of them, I've been a teacher.  I longed for the teaching life, and now, in all its heavy and brilliant nuances (so says the spring time teacher), I am living it.  I'm seven years into all of that vision, tried and tempered, actually peering into a new decade this week.  Life moves!  And for the record, all around me it feels like God is turning my ship towards new adventures once more.  

But no matter where I go, ever and always in my story, I find that if I just sit quietly long enough to hear my own life, I am captivated most by Jesus.   And tonight this is the song that matches my breathing.

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